Dr. Dog - Casual Freefall Chords

Dr. Dog - Casual Freefall Chords


 F C         Bb
I’m what I am 
F          C     F      Bb
Instead of whatever I’m not 
F  C          Bb
I’m what I am 
F          C      F       Bb
Instead of whatever I’m not 

I’m not

F                         D C
Faaaaaallllin so casually  
F            Bb
Walking the hill 
F                         D C
My time’s gotten wasteful 
So now 
C              F
I’m standing still 

C        F    Bb
Right where I am 
F           C  F  C        Bb
Instead of wherever I’m not 
I’m not

F                            D C
Well I backed off the pedals 
F                      Bb
To hear the engine’s hush 
F                   D C 
With no destination 
F                C        F
No further, No more, No rush

C         F    Bb
Right where I am 

F       C       F           Bb
Instead of wherever I’m not
F        C     Bb
 Right where I am 
F          C    F         Bb 
Instead of wherever I’m not 
F      C    Bb
 I’m what I am
F         C     F         Bb 
Instead of whatever I’m not
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